Across Nation, Mosque Projects Meet Opposition
Signs say things like "Mosques are Monuments to Terrorism" This, after President Obama has eased tensions with his speech in Egypt and with other actions reaching out to the Muslim world.These protests, equating Islam to terrorism, runs against our freedom of religion traditions and our foreign policy. Tea party adherents are joining these protests. What do they all want, back to the Crusades?
I find this terrifying. I am beginning to think that there is truth in the idea that the difference between Nazi Germany and Britain or America is luck: Hitler was a German and not British or American. It is clear that the dark forces in human nature that led to Kristallnacht (and beyond) are present in our society just as they were in Germany in the 1930s.
Hugh M, at 7:17 AM
I don't know if I should leave two comments on the same posting, but I just have to. When I hear or read about people in America saying this kind of thing, I want to cry out, "don't these people know what their country stands for!" England, by contrast, does not "stand" for anything. It is just a place where we live - a very nice place, too. But America was created with specific ideals by magnificent men and women. It actually stands for a particular set of ideals. I had exactly the same, visceral, reaction once when standing near the Old State House in Boston and watching people eating junk food and making jokes about thinking that Sam Adams was a beer! I wanted to yell out, "Don't you know what happened here! Don't you care what these men said, thought and did! You should be on your KNEES (figuratively) in this holy place". But I didn't. English reserve, you see.
Hugh M, at 7:31 AM
Great comments, Hugh. Thanks.
Homer, at 8:16 AM
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