In Praise of a Budget Loss
Maybe President Obama and the Democrats did the best they could in fending off more drastic budget cuts and cultural intrusions by the Republicans. After all, it's tough to fight a party that will threaten to hurt the country in order to get its way. But the end result was bad, and allows even more cuts than the Republicans originally proposed.
But it sounded exceedingly strange when President Obama actually praised the budget deal in his speech. He sounded positively proud of the size of the cuts. Maybe, it was a relief to reach a settlement, but he should have emphasized extreme regret for the loss of needed programs and reduction in spending just when our struggling economy needs more.
Maybe President Obama and the Democrats did the best they could in fending off more drastic budget cuts and cultural intrusions by the Republicans. After all, it's tough to fight a party that will threaten to hurt the country in order to get its way. But the end result was bad, and allows even more cuts than the Republicans originally proposed.
But it sounded exceedingly strange when President Obama actually praised the budget deal in his speech. He sounded positively proud of the size of the cuts. Maybe, it was a relief to reach a settlement, but he should have emphasized extreme regret for the loss of needed programs and reduction in spending just when our struggling economy needs more.
Yeah those whopping cuts that equaled 10 DAYS worth of INTEREST payments on our NATIONAL DEBT. Wow those must be so painful.
Your solution is more spending? Do you have grandchildren? Do you care that they will inherit a bankrupt shell of a once great nation? Do you feel that their hard work and success should be shared equally with those that just have their hand out waiting for the government to wipe their ass?
Clearly you do as the inane ramblings indicate on this page. WAKE UP old man!
Anonymous, at 7:12 AM
Mr. Anonymous -
As you should know, the call for additional spending is only for the purpose of helping a depressed economy so as to create jobs, which would improve prospects for our nation and my grandchildren.
Homer, at 6:58 AM
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