
Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Rich and the Poor.

In a cloumn earlier this week, David Brooks praised Charles Murry's book, "Coming Apart" , which deals in part about the increased separation of those Americans in the top 20% from those in the bottom 30%. Five decades ago, many more of these groups worked together and lived nearby. Now, tony parts of cities and wealthy residential enclaves elsewhere. And a widened gap in educational levels has led to more separation in working life.

Brooks concludes with a call for a National Service Program that would force members of the upper group and the lower group to live together, if only for a few years. This would lead better understanding, shared values, and a reduced sense of class. To some extent, World War II provided that benefit for an earlier generation.

Though politically difficult, we should institute a service program, with many options for institutional missions. In the meantime, existing programs such as Americorps and the Peace Corps should be expanded. These would help provide the benefit of diverse contact, as well as help with the unemployment problem faced by the youth of our country.


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