
Wednesday, April 14, 2004


April 14, 2004 Maybe the reporters at last night’s press conference are not the ones, but someone has to be more challenging to President Bush. The questions were mostly softballs allowing him to ramble on about his convictions and the mission given to America about the “Almighty”.

No one asked about why we had to invade Iraq in the Spring of 2003. Saddam Hussein was under wraps, with inspectors roaming his land and troops on his border. Let the President explain the exact nature and imminence of the threat against the United States.

When Bush repeats that Saddam was an evil man who had tortured and killed his own people and harbored anti-American thoughts, the point can be conceded. But why, then, did we not act at the height of his terror when he massacred hundreds of thousands shortly after the end of the first Gulf war? Or during the rest of the decade?

No one pressed him on the vague response on the nature of the sovereign entity to receive control on June 30. or on the lack of flexibility on the date of transfer

When Bush expresses support for the 9-11 Commission, are there not questions that bring out his resistance to its formation, stonewalling on cooperation, weakening of testimonial sessions for himself and Condi Rice, and control over timing of the Commission’s report?

No one pressed him on the precise action, if any, he took after the
August 6th briefing.

If reporters are not going to press these issues – and all the other instances of dissembling and wrong-headed policy – it is up to those campaigning for Senator Kerry to do so.


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