
Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Justice Sunday II Held in Nashville

The mecca of country music played host to the verses of the Christian right on Sunday, August 14th. The Christian conservative organizers staged the event, and its broadcast to churches nationwide, to highlight their views on judicial activism. Among those attending and speaking were evangelical Protestants, conservative Catholics and Republican congressmen.

As pointed out in New York Times editorial on August 15th, what these conservatives object to is not activist judges, but those who disagree with them. Remember the Terri Schivo case? In fact, the favorites of President Bush and the religious right, Justices Scalia and Thomas, have voted to invalidate laws enacted by Congress far more often than justices considered more liberal.

As pointed out in New York Times editorial on August 15th, what these conservatives object to is not activist judges, but those who disagree with them. Remember the Terri Schiavo case? In fact, the favorites of President Bush and the religious right, Justices Scalia and Thomas, voted to invalidate laws enacted by Congress far more often than justices considered more liberal.

Tom Delay, the House majority leader, presented one of the more extreme views, questioning the Supreme Court's authority to strike down laws enacted by Congress because of their unconstitutionality. So who would have the power to uphold or invalidate laws removing due process or establishing religion - Karl Rove?

Elsehere in the world, the delay in agreeing on a constitution for Iraq is being attributed in part to the insistence by the Bush administration that Creationism be enshrined as the main source of Iraqi law and teachings.