
Saturday, November 20, 2004


November 19, 2004. In Drober, Pennsylvania, another controversy has arisen regarding science curriculum in its public schools. It developed after the Drober School Board instituted, this Fall, a segment on astronomy as part of the middle school science course.

Now, at the urging of a dedicated group of activists, a sticker has been placed on the texts dealing with astronomy. The sticker says, in effect, that the findings of astronomy on the movement of the stars and other heavenly bodies represent just one theory. It states that students should keep an open mind regarding astrology and its time-honored tenets.

In the October Board meeting, a shouting match developed between Board Chairman Elias Marner and the two dissenting members, Alice Mercer and Ron Smith. The row became ugly when Elmer Slade, President of the local chapter of the National Astrology Association, charged the speakers platform. Ms. Mercer and Mr. Smith have since resigned.

After the meeting,in a radio interview, Mr. Slade gave credit for his successful sticker campaign to the support of creationists, who have deep concern with science texts that attempt to deal with the heavens.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Senate majority leader Bill Frist never ceases to criticize the decisions of unelected State judges. He always stresses "unelected". In the meantme, he and his conservative colleagues plan to push for confirmation of judicial nominees that will follow their religious-based agendas. I wonder if Mr. Frist ever stops to think that his nominees would likewise be "unelected".

It would be useful to check to see whether any of the judges involved in the decisions he criticizes are, in fact, elected. And maybe these judges, on non-cultural issues, have made decisions that the Senator would fully endorse.

It seems that the Constitution is being interpreted in a strict constructionist manner only when the outcome is suitable to the right wing. An analysis might very well show that a strict view supports the very decisions Mr. Frist hates.

Elsewhere, Georgia courts are bracing for the controversal case sure to emanate from a School District's decision to place in geography textbooks a Flat Earth Society sticker noting that the concept of a round earth is only a theory.