
Saturday, August 19, 2006


G.O.P. Deserts One of Its Own for Lieberman

With many top and influential Republicans supporting the re-election of Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, running as an independent against Democratic candidate Ned Lamont, it behooves Democratic leaders to wake up and give strong support to Mr. Lamont. Republicans, from the President on down, have abandoned the Republican candidate, Alan Schlesinger.

So the Democrats have, in effect, a race against Mr. Lieberman as the Republican candidate. While there has been on site support by John Edwaeds, endorsement by Howard Dean, Russ Feingold and others, and some financial support from Senators Clinton and Kerry, much more needs to be done. We need to have campaign appearances by Democratic big guns, expert consulting, and continuing strong endorsements.

This is a fight against Republicans and the Democrats must play to win. Some may fear the Republican plans to use Lamont as evidence of the dangerous leftward drift of the Democratic party, but, really, can they convince anyone that Ned Lamont (who comes across like a high school chess coacg) is a wild-eyed extremist?

Friday, August 18, 2006


One of the strategic initiatives of the Democrats for the coming Fall election, and presumably for 2008, is to attack the nation's largest retailer, Wal-Mart. The campaign concentrates on the pay and health care benefits for Wal-Mart workers. I question this strategy.

Now, I hold no brief for Wal-Mart. Its impact has often destroyed neighborhood stores and crippled towns. Its squeezing of suppliers has at times had adverse consequences along with the consumer benefit of lower prices. And I tend to favor anything that may help defeat the disastrous Republican administration. However, I think that attacking Wal-Mart is a miguided effort.

First, it is anathema to many to see the government dictate to a company how it will run its business, including its pay policies. Yes, it looks good to push for better health coverage by businesses. But our health system needs much more than this. Will the Democrats support a national health system rather having benefits depend on where a person work? The selection of the other target, the $10 per hour paid by Wal-Mart to many of its workers, looks foolish compared to the failure for decades to increase the minimum wage above $5.15 per hour.And $10 is a lot more than $5.15.

If political pressure causes any Wal-Marts to close, the employees there will not be grateful. But, of greater importance, the Democratic strategists should stop to considere that there are many more satisfied customers of Wal-Mart who vote than exploited Wal-Mart employees.

Decision yesterday:

"Judge Orders Immediate Halt To Bush's “Unconstitutional” Wiretapping…"

Seems that this District Judge has more brains and fortitude than the US Congress.