Cheney Actively Seeking Book Deal On Bush Years
So that's why we're now seeing and hearing so much from a man who seemed to have lived under a rock for eight years, emerging occasionally to guide the President in a disastrous direction.Or maybe he lived under a bridge. Jon Stewart tellingly called Cheney a troll. Just today, Gail Collins wisely advised us to pay no attention to the former Vice Presiden until he undergoes therapy.
I must say that his speech scared me with his 27 references to 9-11 and warnings of clear and present dangers that he sees.
Who will be a survivor in 2012?
As others have observed, President Obama's wise appointment of the highly qualified Jon Huntsman, Governor of Utah, as our ambassador to China may well have removed from contention a leading candidate for the 2o12 Republican presidential nomination. This follows his wise selection of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, thus probably eliminating this strong member of his team of rivals from the 2012 election. Perhaps unrelated is the news that former President Bill Clinton has been named by the UN as special envoy to Haiti.
So what's next? Governor Bobby Jindal as ambassador to India. Florida Governor Charlie Crist (Spanish speaking?) as ambassador to Mexico?