
Sunday, December 04, 2005


Some of the News
That May Be True


December 3, 2005 Baghdad The service men and women engaged in writing feel good articles for publication in Iraqi press agreed today on the formation of a union to protect and further their interests. The new union, The Pentagon Newswriters Guild of America (PNGA), will have its headquarters in the Green Zone of Baghdad but plans are being made for a future base in Washington.

At today's press conference. Guild President, Staff Sargeant J.C. Blair, and Guild Communication Director, Corporal Judith Mueller, outlined initial plans and goals of the union. Foremost among these is negotiation for a fair share of the moneys expended in dissemination of the news developed by Guild members. Mr. Blair emphasized this goal by pointing out that "Our writers are among the most creative in Baghdad since
Saddam Hussein's Director of Information and they deserve to be rewarded accordingly. By the sweat of their brows thsse writers produce works that engender huge sums for a civilian PR firm and substantial payments to Iraqi reporters and newspapers. Our demand for royalties will not be insignificant."

Communication Director Mueller then described some of the other elements of the Guild's strategy. These included:

* Expansion of members' opportunities, such as on air appearances in radio and television broadcasts

* Increased security for all Guild members

* Pulitzer Prize submissions for such stories as "Iraqi Soldiers Improve Leadership Skills" and "Renovated Facilities Help to Bolster Security in Mosul"

*Cooperation and joint venture operations with our civilian counterparts in the Bush administration.The Guild can provide military stories as an adjunct to the news being planted in the United States' media.

President Blair closed the conference with a tribute to the democratic free press functioning here in Baghdad just as in America.