
Saturday, June 13, 2015


Dems Torpedo Obama’s Trade Push 

Despite my position as an extreme left wing liberal, I regret this action. I think that TPP will enhance our position in this region, increase exports and cost a lower net loss of jobs than feared.

Friday, June 12, 2015


Police Behavior

Charges Recommended For Cleveland Officers Who Fatally Shot 12-Year-Old

Even if a real gun, or even if an adult, shouldn't police officers first try to talk the person out of using it before shooting him?

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Justice Is Blind

WACO, Tex. — A federal appellate court upheld some of the toughest provisions of a Texas abortion law on Tuesday, putting about half of the state’s remaining abortion clinics at risk of permanently shutting their doors and leaving the nation’s second-most populous state with fewer than a dozen clinics across its more than 267,000 square miles. There were 41 when the law was passed.


NC Milder Version

Carolina law
Again hurts rights of women
Carolina's blue


New NC Law

Carolina law
Again hurts rights of women
Carolina sucks

or   Carolina law
       Again hurts rights of women
       Pat McCrory sucks

Tuesday, June 09, 2015



P  |  June 09, 2015 at 06:13 AM
ALBANY, Ga. (AP) — A south Georgia woman has been charged with malice murder in the death of a 5 1/2-month-old fetus she delivered after taking an abortion pill. WALB-TV ( ) reports 23-year-old Kenlissa Jones took a Cytotec abortion pill she purchased on the Internet and delivered the fetus Saturday night. A neighbor drove Jones to the hospital, but she delivered the baby boy in the car. .
The absurd and cruel result of right-to-life extremism.

Monday, June 08, 2015

Ssott Walker

Scott Walker and Joni Ernst

Boone, Iowa — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker hopped on a Harley Saturday to raise his profile in this early presidential nominating state.
A half dozen other presidential candidates were on hand for a gathering afterward, but Walker was the only one to participate in the ride with U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and 300 other bikers.

So if you want a biker as President vote for Scott Walker.