Some of the News
That may be True
Confirming current rumors around Washington, CIA spokeswoman Debra Roberts told reporters that gate crasher incident was,indeed, a CIA operation. In a hastily called press conference, Roberts explained that the Secret Service and CIA had used the Salahis as a test of state dinner security at the White House. She noted that the socialite couple had been recruited 2 years ago and then trained for the operation. Training had included the infiltration of carefully chosen social events such a Black Caucus celebratory dinner.
For the White House state dinner, the Salahis were instructed to get as close as possible to the President and senior officials in order to show the gravity of such a security breach.The CIA deems the exercise a success and regrets the ensuing negative publicity. Not only does it test basic gate security but it also demonstrates how people who would do harm might adopt a disguise that could catch security personnel off guard.
Some of the News
That may be True
Confirming current rumors around Washington, CIA spokeswoman Debra Roberts told reporters that gate crasher incident was,indeed, a CIA operation. In a hastily called press conference, Roberts explained that the Secret Service and CIA had used the Salahis as a test of state dinner security at the White House. She noted that the socialite couple had been recruited 2 years ago and then trained for the operation. Training had included the infiltration of carefully chosen social events such a Black Caucus celebratory dinner.
For the White House state dinner, the Salahis were instructed to get as close as possible to the President and senior officials in order to show the gravity of such a security breach.The CIA deems the exercise a success and regrets the ensuing negative publicity. Not only does it test basic gate security but it also demonstrates how people who would do harm might adopt a disguise that could catch security personnel off guard.